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ForeShine -Fluidic Solution

High Accurate Tolerance ±0.1mm FEP PTFE Teflon Tube , Fluid Tubules for Fluidic Industry

High Accurate Tolerance ±0.1mm FEP PTFE Teflon Tube , Fluid Tubules for Fluidic Industry

Regula prezo $5.18 USD
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The FEP AND PFA tube featured excellent chemical resistance and biocompatible with most solvents in analysis areas

Advantages of FEP tube:

The full name of FEP pipe is polytetrafluoroethylene propylene pipe or F46 pipe. is a melt-processable form of PTFE. FEP pipes have very similar properties to PTFE pipes, FEP can be melted for easier processing, easy to weld and rework.
In addition to the unique properties of fluoroplastics, FEP also has the following advantages:
1. Can be welded and reprocessed
2. -200°C to +200°C operating temperature - FEP remains flexible at low temperatures
3. Anti-chemical and ultraviolet characteristics are more prominent
4. Biocompatibility.
5. Clear color, high transparency

Because of these advantages, FEP heat shrink has a low shrink temperature and can be safely shrunk on temperature-sensitive materials without fear of damage. Therefore, FEP is ideal for encapsulating sensitive electrical components and instruments.

The advantages of PFA tube:
PFA tubing (polyperfluoroalkoxy) is a high temperature version of FEP. PFA tubing has similar properties to FEP tubing, but because of its lower melt viscosity than PTFE, it can be used at operating temperatures of 260°C while still being melt processable.
In addition to enjoying the unique properties of fluoropolymers, PFA pipes also have the following advantages:
1. Continuous working temperature up to 260°C
2. Solderable and reproducible
3. Good permeability resistance
4. Excellent chemical resistance even at high temperature
5. Biocompatible
6. High purity grade
7. Highly transparent color can observe the internal fluid situation

PFA tubing is available in high purity grades, excellent chemical resistance and ideal for higher operating temperature applications. This fluoroplastic is widely used in medical tubes, heat exchangers. Semiconductor Baskets, Pumps and Fittings and Valve Liners

 [Product name]: PFA tube

[Color]: solid transparent

[Temperature]: -200°C~200°C

[Description]: volume resistance>1018QM
Surface resistance>2×1013Q

[Material]: Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)

[Performance]: non-stick, high insulation, high flame retardancy, 60HZ, 60MHZ high and low temperature
The lower dielectric constant is 2.1, non-toxic and corrosion-resistant, concentrated and dilute inorganic organic acids, alkalis, and esters have no effect. Low absorption rate < 0.01%, low light refractive index, arc resistance > 165 seconds without leakage,

[Advantages]: Liquid crystal manufacturing, whole body single-ended single-core optical fiber, heat exchanger, steam distribution
Tubes, high-purity reagent transportation, corrosive medium transportation, submersible motors, air-conditioning wiring harnesses, fluoroplastic О-type sealing rings, etc.




Features of our tube 

--Using brand-new material production, the color is uniform
--Size standard, high precision, uniform thickness
--A variety of specifications and thicknesses are available, support customized
--Our well-equipped equipment can process bellows and spring tubes

This listing is for FEP tube,Tolerance ±0.1mm,
Pls find another link for capillary FEP tolerance ±0.05mm, which is unique for the liquid industry. 

Pls find another link in our store for PFA if you need one. 

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